I’m writing this with a jumper on and the rain pouring down outside; quite a contrast to the Facebook notification I got this morning reminding me that, this time last year, I was enjoying the lovely, sunny weather. It’s been a good couple of weeks since we’ve seen consistent sunshine and that got me thinking about how much we rely on the good weather to lift our spirits after the darkness and cold of the winter.
Recently, I’ve spoken to quite a few people who are usually very happy-go-lucky and cheerful, who are feeling a little bit ‘meh’ at the moment! Could this be because we are missing our usual dose of sunshine-fuelled Vitamin D?
If you’re not lucky enough to be going somewhere sunny this summer, and let’s face it, we can’t guarantee that the summer here will improve, here’s some solutions to bring a little bit of brightness into your life…
Get outside even if the sun isn’t shining. I cant emphasise enough how beneficial being outside is for you. Go for a walk with the dog, get on your bike, or take the kids to the country park.
Choose foods rich in Vitamin D, such as salmon, tuna, egg yolks or mushrooms. All of these lend themselves nicely to being included in salads so make great choices for the summer.
Drink plenty of water every day. Water is essential if you are to keep adequately hydrated – aim for 8-9 glasses a day.
Try an aromatherapy diffuser or aromatherapy massage. Our sense of smell is incredibly evocative so choose scents that remind you of summer, hot weather and exotic locations. Citrus scents, such as wild orange or coconut are great. If you can combine this with a massage, it will also help relieve those tight muscles and stresses in the body.
Meditate regularly. We can’t change the weather but we can change the way we react and respond to it. If you’ve never meditated before, try attending a class where you will be taught the basics of how to relax and find some inner peace. There’s also lots of guided meditations available on YouTube, so why not try one that is set on a beach.
We will be running more guided meditation classes in the autumn. For more information, visit the website www.bodyeq.co.uk.