IT Band Syndrome is one of the most common injuries suffered by runners and those who run as part of their sport.
The iliotibial band (ITB) is the band of fascia that runs down the outside of the leg and is responsible for stabilising the hip and the knee. When this ligament becomes tight or inflamed, it can rub against the bone causing localised pain around the knee area. This is often referred to as ‘runner’s knee’. A bad case of ITB Syndrome can leave a runner in considerable pain and could even stop them for training for a few weeks.
Symptoms of ITB Syndrome include:
- pain on the outside edge of the knee
- possible swelling on the outside of the knee
- pronation of the foot (foot rolls inwards)
ITB Syndrome is an overuse injury so it affects both new and experienced runners. It is worth checking that you are wearing suitable footwear for running in and getting your gait analysed when you purchase new running shoes.
Sports massage can also help alleviate the tightness in the ITB area by releasing the tensor fascia latae (TFL) muscle which attaches to the ITB at the hip. If you are serious about your training or in the midst of a training schedule for your next race, you should certainly consider factoring in regular sports massages as part of your regime.