Aching shoulders? This is what you need to do…

If you’re suffering with aches and pains around your shoulders and upper back, you’re not alone…

It’s a very common condition, with a lot of my clients reporting pain and restricted movement in this area.  There are a number of muscles located in the shoulder and they can be affected by the following issues:

  • postural imbalances
  • overuse from training and everyday lifting
  • slumped seated position at a desk or when driving
  • injuries from sporting impacts
  • strains to surrounding muscles
  • inflammation or swelling to structures in the shoulder

If you feel tightness in the shoulder or areas that are ‘knotty’, you would benefit greatly from sports massage.  By breaking down the knots and tightness in this area, I can help you regain a wider range of motion and flexibility and help alleviate those niggling aches and pains.

So don’t sit there in pain any longer; invest in yourself and your overall wellbeing by booking a sports massage today.